Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ambrose Coffee - Record of Hunting Game

From Selected Families and Individuals from Hadden Family of Kentucky

FORT_BOONESBOROUGH: While Boonesborough scouts were ranging through Eastern Kentucky in 1779-1780, the old hunters at Boonesborough, such as Michael Stoner, Thomas Brooks, Jesse Hodges, Aquilla White, Ambrose Coffee, William Cradlebaugh, William Bush, Oswald Townsend, Stephen Hancock, Samuel Estill, Nicholas Anderson, and John Kennedy, were hunting at the gamelicks in the southeastern part of the State for meat and provisions to sustain life at the fort.

In search of the elk they would go down the Kentucky river in canoes; in search of deer and buffalo, they would go to Joe's Lick and Blue Lick beyond Twetty's Fort, in Madison county, and sometimes they would cross on the northern side of the Kentucky river and go to the forests on the headwaters of the Licking and Elkhorn.

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